Thrilling Testimonies
When I was 16, I was your classic textbook case of a lost soul…I started reading [witchcraft] books, working with candles, tarot cards and reading horoscopes… One night this past week I was trying to get on the computer. It kept shutting down on me. I finally gave up and went to watch TV. I came across your show on a Christian channel called HOUR OF THE WITCH. It woke me up. – Jenni
Dear Steve and the entire team, I have been overwhelmed by some of your messages that I got across over the Hope channel satellite TV that we receive here in Dares Salaam, Tanzania. I have been wondering where those messages are! And then I heard a clear voice from you…Truth is so exciting! – R. D. Zembazemba, Tanzania
Steve, flipping the channels I caught the last part of Deadly Delusions about Death and Hell [on Sky Angel]. I have never in my life been taught this. I am a Southern Baptist and my dad was a minister for over 30 years… God bless! – B.B. (Inman, SC).
I found you on TV for the first time last night and I cannot rest till I get all your teachings. May God bless you and yours! Hannah Richards
Dear Ps Wohlberg, I am writing from South Africa, and I just want you to know that, being a viewer of 3ABN and Hope channels, I find your sermons on end-time events to be so enlightening to me and people who visit me to watch. Thanks and keep it up. – Your brother in Jesus Christ, Monyane Rapapa
Hi… My wife and I have been so excited to see you on TV and the truth being proclaimed. David & Kelsie F. – Nottingham, UK.
God bless you brother Steve for courageously proclaiming the truthful word of God on The Jack McLamb Show… Praise the Lord!!!!!! – M. Donohue (Portland, OR)
Dear Steve, I am 21 and heard a message of yours on the radio… After listening I repented and renewed my relationship with Christ. A few weeks later I got into a car accident that almost took my life but the whole time I wasn’t scared because I knew the Lord was with me, thanks to your message! Silverio B.
Books, DVDs, Internet:
I am reading Exploding the Israel Deception for about the seventh time. I have been taking it up as a matter of study and instruction for our church. Thank you so much for the website, products and the additional guides. Also, thank you so much for offering the absolute truth, as outlined in Scripture, to counter the false teachings… May God continue to bless you and your ministry. – In His Service, Matthew
Steve, Shalom from the east coast. I have just completed reading your book ‘End Time Delusions,’ Wow! What a block buster!… – Jim Greear
I read it in one day! [End Time Delusions]… EVERYONE read this book! – R. Rosica
My name is Rick Disler. I am 39 and live in Knoxville, TN… I currently attend a local Church of God with a wonderful young anointed pastor. Unfortunately my teacher and fellow ministry students believe in the mainstream “rapture idea”… I stumbled upon your website and have been reading everything I can on Steve’s synopsis of prophecy…. Steve has the upper hand and ability to teach biblically the correct interpretation…I want to purchase many books and DVD series in order to use with my pastor and ministry class… Thank you so much for this ministry. – Love in Christ, Rick
Dear Steve Wohlberg, I live in a Catholic country… I bumped into your website… Thank you for uploading your videos at, they have lifted my spirit towards God as never before… Hallelujah!… I’ll never be able to repay you. John B.
Articles, etc.
Hello Pastor Steve, Your article about the rapture is excellent…convincing, clear, and to the point…God bless you in sharing the gospel of our Lord. – Sincerely, Claudia Garcia del Puerto, M.D.
I was raised in the Pentecostal doctrine… Thank you for sharing the transforming, miracle working power of God! … God bless White Horse Media. – Jo (Boise, Idaho)
Bro. Wohlberg… I reside in Dubai United Arab Emirates. I am from a protestant background but never understood the prophecies… God bless you. Bro. Stanley
From Evangelical Pastors:
Hi Steve, Thank you! I am just halfway through the book and am feeling a heightened sense of ‘joy’ with every page. I am sixty and pastor an independent church, was taught Dispensationalism since a child, cut my teeth on Hal Lindsey etc. Some years ago I began a series on the second coming and didn’t get beyond the first 2-3 sermons when I felt a strong ‘leading’ to quit! I could not preach that ‘stuff’ with conviction. I have been troubled for years with the sensationalism of Darby’s system, particularly on American TV! I came to live in the States in 1993 from the UK where I pastored for many years. My problem now is how to ‘unteach’ my congregation! I might buy several copies of your book and distribute them!…Steve, I believe that this book is a ‘prophetic’ voice and wake-up call… My prayer is that God will use it to awaken millions in the western world to the truth that will ‘set them free’!! In Him, Tony Wilkinson
Dear Brother Steve, I have read your book and much of what you have written, I have discovered through trial and error over the past 7 years. It is excellent and I wish that I had it sooner.… As an Assemblies of God pastor, I have an uphill battle in front of me. This Saturday at our church we are hosting an “Antichrist Chronicles” Seminar based upon you DVD’s teaching… With much love in Christ, Rob Keator
WHM programs on TBN Russia:
Hello everyone, I would like to thank you for your great work you do through your channels. I found much interesting stuff there. Especially Wohlberg’s teaching should be outlined. You know, I’ve never heard anything like that before. My church is very conservative and we don’t discuss many topics there though I am a follower of Jesus since my teen age and my parents are Christians. We all like to listen to these programs and then we discuss the programs. I am amazed by Steve Wohlberg’s consistency in presenting his material.…There will be many testimonies of how entire relationships with God change after such cool programs. Thank you! Ivan Krasnoshchekiy, Tuva, Russia
Alleluia to Jesus Christ! Hope my message finds you well. I am from Italy. My wife and I moved here several years ago but we do not speak Italian well. We started visiting once small church here in our town. But as everything is in Italian it is difficult for us to understand the word of God. By this reason we like to watch your channel because it is for Russian-speaking population…Especially we enjoyed one of the programs of Steve Wohlberg (it was something about the lie that destroys America) and I have no word to say how I loved that preacher who told the teaching. I was expecting to hear one more dull teaching how bad moral condition of America is during the last years. Instead I heard a brilliant deep comparison of Old and New Testaments! Seems he is very intelligent and knows what he says. My wife and I receive many blessings through that teaching. This minister delivers compelling principles on how to live with purity and faithfulness that will carry you through to eternity. Wish you will do more repeats of his programs because my wife and I work on the days when his broadcast goes (I checked the program grid). Very good stuff, excellent work. Thank you! Пietr Ziebriccki, Italy