“Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts”
Hebrews 3:7

2-Minute Talks

Eye-Opening Info

The Antichrist in the Bible

The Antichrist and the Rapture

The Antichrist and the Falling Away

Antichrist is the Son of Perdition

Should We Talk to the Dead?

Can the Dead Talk at All?

1,000 Years and the Lake of Fire

The Hot Topic of Hell

Featured Products

End Time Delusions

End Time Delusions

The Rapture, the Antichrist, Israel, and the End of the World

Will true Christians vanish in a rapture? Will seven years of apocalyptic terror overtake those left behind? Will earth’s nations attack Israel at Armageddon? Bestselling books like Left Behind and popular apocalyptic movies predict such things. Are they correct?

End Time Delusions is Steve Wohlberg’s most comprehensive book on prophecy separating facts from speculative fiction and revealing what the Bible really teaches about Earth’s last days.

Available as a softcover book, DVD, CD, or eBook.


Or call now 1-800-782-4253

Approaching Armageddon

Approaching Armageddon

Discover Hope Beyond
Earth’s Final Battle

Pandemic. Riots. Rage. Divisions. Confusion. Mayhem. What on earth is going on? What does the Bible say about the unique time we’re living in? In Approaching Armageddon, Steve Wohlberg takes a detailed look at the Word of God and explains how chaotic world events are now fulfilling Bible prophecy. The Good News is that God is fully in charge, that He loves us still, and that there is a very real, fantastic future just ahead for those who choose to be part of God’s Kingdom. Quantity discounts available.

Available as a softcover book, eBook, AudioBook, or Video Course.


Or call now 1-800-782-4253

More Life-Changing Information

“Today, if you will hear His voice,
do not harden your hearts”

Hebrews 3:7

2-Minute Talks

Eye-Opening Info

The Antichrist in the Bible

The Antichrist and the Rapture

The Antichrist and the Falling Away

Antichrist is the Son of Perdition

Should We Talk to the Dead?

Can the Dead Talk at All?

1,000 Years and the Lake of Fire

The Hot Topic of Hell

Featured Products

End Time Delusions

End Time Delusions

The Rapture, the Antichrist, Israel, and the End of the World

Will true Christians vanish in a rapture? Will seven years of apocalyptic terror overtake those left behind? Will earth’s nations attack Israel at Armageddon? Bestselling books like Left Behind and popular apocalyptic movies predict such things. Are they correct?

End Time Delusions is Steve Wohlberg’s most comprehensive book on prophecy separating facts from speculative fiction and revealing what the Bible really teaches about Earth’s last days.

Available as a softcover book, DVD, CD, or eBook.


Or call now 1-800-782-4253

Approaching Armageddon

Approaching Armageddon

Discover Hope Beyond
Earth’s Final Battle

Pandemic. Riots. Rage. Divisions. Confusion. Mayhem. What on earth is going on? What does the Bible say about the unique time we’re living in? In Approaching Armageddon, Steve Wohlberg takes a detailed look at the Word of God and explains how chaotic world events are now fulfilling Bible prophecy. The Good News is that God is fully in charge, that He loves us still, and that there is a very real, fantastic future just ahead for those who choose to be part of God’s Kingdom. Quantity discounts available.

Available as a softcover book, eBook, AudioBook, or Video Course.


Or call now 1-800-782-4253

More Life-Changing Information